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Exodus 12

 Leader: Pastor Kruschel

Exodus 12 


When Moses was 80 years old, God appeared to him in the burning bush (see Exodus 2).  God told Moses to return to where Moses had spent the first 40 years of his life as the adopted grandson of Pharaoh, the king of .  Moses was to tell the new Pharaoh to set the Israelites free from their slavery.  When Moses conveyed this message, Pharaoh refused to comply.  God then sent a series of nine plagues that devastated the land of Egypt , but still Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites.  Finally, God told Moses, “I will bring one more plague to Pharaoh and on . . . About midnight I will go throughout .  Every firstborn son in will die (Exodus 11:1, 4, 5).  The Lord, however, provided deliverance for his people,



  1. God broke the sinful pride of the Egyptians with a series of ten torturous plagues.  God will sometimes use similar measures to break sinful pride today.  Give examples. 

  2. The Passover lamb was a type of symbol of Jesus Christ.  What similarities do you see between the Passover lamb and the persona and work of Christ?  For help look at the following N.T. passages: John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:19; Hebrews 10:8-10; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Ephesians 1:7. 

  3. What did the bitter herbs symbolize? 

  4. Isarel was to eat the Passover meal in haste – ready to leave at a moment’s notice.  How does this parallel the life of the 21st Century Christian? 

  5. Yeast begins the process of fermentation in dough and is used as a natural symbol of moral corruption.  What was the significance, then, for of the Feast of Unleavened Bread? 

  6. How did the Passover teach the Israelites that they were saved by grace? 

  7. After the Israelites entered the Promised Land, it would be easy for them to forget what their fathers had gone through in .  What purpose would the Passover Festival serve in future years?  How can we use church festivals in a similar manner? 

  8. Generally, greater people bless lesser people.  What was Pharaoh acknowledging (v. 32)? 

  9. Were the Israelites robbing the Egyptians by taking their wealth? 

  10. The Lord gave several regulations concerning the Passover.  In general, who could celebrate the Passover (v. 49)?  How is this similar to how he regulates who should partake of the Lord’s Supper?


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